20 November 2007

Great Joke

During an adult's english class, the teacher says to the students : "Now, you have to make a sentence which contains the three words green, pink and yellow".

The Italian was the fastest:
"I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun and the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day."

The Spaniard was next:
"I wake up in the morning. I eat a yellow banana, a green avocado and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV."

Last was the Frenchman:
"I wake up in ze morening, I hear ze phone: "green!!!...green!!!". I pink up ze phone - I say "Yellow?..."

E pronto, lá tive eu 2 minutos de riso patrocinados por um colega sueco que trabalha comigo :-D


Rita said...

Tàs a gozar!! Esta anedota jà é mais velha do que sei là...
Pede-se originalidade, ok?

sandrovscky said...

Ahhhahah eu não conhecia! ups

mas está bues de fixe ahahah quase conseguia 'ouvir' uma amigo meu francês enquanto lia isso ahahah :D
